Over 10% of the residential roofing market belongs to metal roofs. That may come as a surprise to some seeing as how many people aren’t even aware that you can roof a house with metal.

If this is the first you’re hearing of topping homes with the material know that yes, metal is frequently used on roofs, and for a simple reason – metal roofs provide wonderful benefits many other roofing types do not.

If you’re curious to learn more about why metal roofing has shot up the list of people’s favorite roofing materials, our team at Chicago-based EcoMetals implores you to keep reading. Below, we fire off some of the best benefits you’ll get by going with metal roof installation.

1. Durability

You can’t work your way through a metal roofing conversation without talking about durability. When compared to your traditional asphalt roof, metal roofs can last decades longer, many up to 60 years.

That makes metal roofs a great bet for those that want to invest in new roofing, aren’t sure they want to stay in their current house forever and are hoping to recoup most of the cost of their roof via increased re-sale value.

2. Energy Savings

Traditional roofing materials do a miserable job of reflecting heat during the summer months. What that means for you is a hot home and an endless cadence of running your HVAC unit to keep your living area cool.

Compare that to metal roofs.

Metal roof panels are radiant and consequently, resist the absorption of heat. That brings the temperature of your house down alongside your energy bill.

3. Fire Resistance

It seems that every year you turn on the news and hear about homes falling victim to natural and man-made fires. While metal roofs won’t fireproof your home, they will certainly bolster its fire resistance.

Put simply, metal roofs won’t spark up like an asphalt roof would in the face of a lightning strike or hot ash falling from the sky during an area fire. That may very well be enough to save your home from going up in flames.

4. Outstanding Runoff

Maybe fires are the least of your problems. Perhaps heavy snow or rain poses a more immediate threat.

In those cases, metal roofs shine as well!

Metal roofs are smooth, their panels are interlocked, and consequently, they do a wonderful job at repelling sitting snow or falling water. Better runoff means less sitting/pooling which takes the strain off your home and reduces the need for roof maintenance.

5. Low Maintenance

Speaking of reduced maintenance, if you’re expressly looking for a low-maintenance roof, you’re going to love partnering with metal.

Given their resistance to heat and other elements, these roofs hold up tremendously well. That’s not to say, of course, that you should side-step getting an annual roof inspection as diligence is always a great idea.

Just know that the roofs we sell are about as sturdy as they come and are also backed by a whopping 50-year warranty, as is mentioned in our site’s FAQ section!

Consider Metal Roofing for Your Next Home Improvement Project

Metal roofing is figuratively catching fire in the minds of homeowners and contractors doing roof installs alike. The reasons why encompass much of what we talked about and so much more.

If you’re interested in exploring metal roofing for your home and are in Chicago or its surrounding suburbs, we implore you to give us a call. Our team has been doing high-quality metal roof installs for years and is standing by to answer your questions and to help you get your house covered!

Get your quote today!